Service Post 3

I have high hopes for my service this semester as I am excited to have another opportunity for an experience that will pertain to my major. I will admit, however, that at first I was hesitant. As an education major and leadership development minor my schedule is jammed packed with classes along with my extracurricular activities. I was worried that this service would interfere with my other obligations, but my worries went away quickly after I entered the Fatima Family Center where I will be tutoring and working with kids grades K-8. Although we did not get to begin tutoring immediately since we had to complete orientation, we at least got to see the kids. The kids that I will be working with come from inner city settings, which is a type of environment that I have not worked in prior. In our recent class discussions we have had multiple conversations and assignments based on the economics and opportunities in different school districts. We discussed how kids in inner city settings and lower income districts are not given the same opportunities as those in a wealthier district. I want the chance to make a difference in the lives of these kids. I want them to look up to me and I want to be able to help them succeed.  As a future teacher and after discussing it in class, I feel as if I should have background working with kids of their different backgrounds. I am looking forward to helping the kids in inner city Cleveland and building new relationships.  


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